RIOT Games


Book Design + Event Design Lead


2014 – 2021


Production Design
Graphic Design


Villains Kitchen embarked on an internal branding campaign for the popular League of Legends champion, Dr. Mundo. This creative endeavor involved the production of make-believe Mundo publications and digital posters, capturing the essence and personality of the character. Additionally, Villains Kitchen was responsible for designing the cover and internal page visuals for RIOT's book, a compilation of short stories intended for the RIOT Games community.


By creating imaginative and visually appealing publications and posters, the campaign aimed to bring the character to life in a fun and interactive way. The design work for the RIOT book sought to celebrate the creativity and storytelling within the RIOT Games community, enhancing the sense of belonging and appreciation for the diverse narratives and characters in the League of Legends universe. This initiative not only supported team morale and company culture but also served as a testament to Villains Kitchen’s creative capabilities in character branding and design.